By: Joseph Jacobs, J. Hyams
Beni-Israel soldier; born at Bombay before 1830. He enlisted in the 25th Regiment Bombay Native Light Infantry July 1, 1848; was made jemidar Jan. 1, 1868; subahdar Jan. 1, 1873; and subahdar-major April 15, 1879. Nagawkar was present at the siege and capture of the fort of Dhar, the action of Mundisur, the battle of Guraria, the siege of the fortress of Chundairee, Jhansi, the battle of the Betwa, the action at Koonch, the capture of Calpee, the action at Moorar, and the capture of Gwalior (obtaining medal and clasp). He served throughout the Abyssinian campaign (for which he gained the service medal), and retired Aug. 7, 1881.