; Enemessar in Tobit i. 2, 13, 15; Salmanasar or Salmanassar in II Esd. xiii. 40):
King of Assyria from 727 to 722
Tiglath-pileser claims to have put Hoshea upon the throne, so that king's vassalage began beforeShalmaneser's accession. Sargon, the successor of Shalmaneser, and apparently the founder of a new dynasty, in one of his inscriptions accuses Shalmaneser of having deprived the city of Asshur of its ancient rights. He claims also to have taken Samaria, which probably fell into the hands of the besiegers about the time of or shortly after the death of Shalmaneser. The facts that this king had also invaded Philistia and that Sargon completed the subjugation of that country are probably referred to in Isa. xiv. 28-32 (H. P. Smith, "Old Testament History," p. 241).
- McCurdy, History, Prophecy, and the Monuments, vol. i., sections 342-349;
- Schrader, C. I. O. T. 2d ed., Eng. transl., pp. 258-263;
- Goodspeed, Hist. of Babylonians and Assyrians;
- Rogers, Hist. of Babylonia and Assyria.