Dramatic elegy by Solomon ibn Gabirol, sung at the conclusion of the order of

The poem is sung in the Polish, North-German, and English liturgy to an expressive traditional melody, the closing strain of which is based on the lament to which the ḳinot are intoned on the Fast of Ab among the Ashkenazim. But it bears a striking similarity also to the Sephardic melodies brought from Spain before 1492 (comp. Mizmor Shir le-Yom ha-Shabbat), in the structure and tonality of this closing strain, in the outline of the initialphrases (comp. Ha-Mabdil), and especially in the manner, so characteristic of the Sephardic ritual, in which these initial phrases are repeated many times in the longer verses, until the closing strain can at last be utilized for the final distich (comp. Adonai Beḳol Shofar).