By: Isidore Singer, S. Kahn
Suburb of Arles, France, on the right bank of the Rhone. Its Jewish community was of much importance in the Middle Ages. Favorably received by the lords of Baux, the Jews lived peacefully at Trinquetaille until 1300, when the town was incorporated with Arles, the two communities being likewise united. In 1349, however, the "baylons" of Arles were obliged to request the provost to authorize them to separate from the Jews of Trinquetaille, who "refused to share in the communal expenses." A reference to the place occurs in Isaac ben Jacob Lattes, "Sha'are Ẓiyyon," pp. 72, 75 (see "R. E. J." ix. 222).
In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries Trinquetaille was the home of many scholars, including the following: Meïr ben Isaac, author of the "Sefer ha-'Ezer," in which he defended Alfasi against the attacks of Zerahiah ben Isaac ha-Levi Gerondi; Nathan ben Meïr, author of a commentary on the Pentateuch and of the "Sha'are Tefisah," on illegal seizures; and Todros ben Meshullam ben David (Todros Todrosi).
- Carmoly, Biographie des Israélites de France, p. 91;
- Gross, Gallia Judaica, pp. 246-248: idem, in Monatsschrift, 1878, p. 379; 1880, p. 61;
- Munk, Mélanges, pp. 358, 438;
- Renan-Neubauer, Les Rabbins Français, p. 515;
- idem, Les Ecrivains Juifs Français, pp. 570-573;
- Renan, Averroès, pp. 69, 70, 191;
- R. E. J. xli. 64;
- Steinschneider, Hebr. Uebers. pp. 62, 182, 285, 294;
- idem, Hebr. Bibl. x. 54, xiii. 17.