Zionist periodical, published weekly at Vienna (it is arranged to remove its headquarters to Berlin in 1906). The first number appeared June 4, 1897, since which time the periodical has been issued regularly. At one time a Yiddish edition was published. There have been several editors—Uprimy, Feiwel, S. Werner, etc. It was for some years a private venture of Theodor Herzl, who sank much money in it. "Die Welt" is the official organ of the Zionist movement throughout the world, and contains articles dealing with Zionism in its various phases, the renascence of Hebrew literature, and Jewish conditions in different lands. It publishes also Judæo-national tales, and endeavors to encourage Jewish art. At the fifth Basel Congress it became the official organ of the Zionist movement.

J. A. M. F.
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