Italian composer and writer on music; born at Leghorn Dec. 29, 1818; died at Florence November, 1885. At first a physician in Florence (1858), he later devoted himself exclusively to the study of music, and achieved, after hard struggles (his first attempts as composer and as editor of the musical paper "L'Armonia" failed), some distinction as composer of operas ("Romilda ed Ezzelino," 1840; "Enrico Howard," 1847). He is widely known as the founder of the "Beethoven Matinées" (1859), which eventually culminated in the well-known Società del Quartette, which exerted a great influence upon the musical life of Florence, and of Italy in general; and in connection with which Basevi offered an annual prize for the best string-quartet. Basevi founded in 1863 the Concerti Populari di Musica Classica. He was a frequent contributor to musical periodicals, and is the author of "Studio sulle Opere di G. Verdi" (1859), "Introduzione ad un Nuovo Sistema d'Armonia" (1862), and "Compendio della Storia della Musica" (1866).
- Riemann, Musik-Lexicon, Leipsic, 1887;
- Grove, Dict. of Music and Musicians, London, 1890;
- Boccardo, Nuova Enciclopedia Italiana, Supplement i.