Family of Spanish origin, members of which, including many physicians and scholars, have settled in southern France, Italy, Holland, England, and America, as well as in the Orient.
Abraham Bueno:Physician in Amsterdam, where he died in 1633.
Benjamin Bueno de Mesquita:Died in New York, Nov., 1683. The monument erected to his memory is one of the oldest in that city ("Publications Am. Jew. Hist. Soc. "i. 91 et seq.).
David Bueno:Lived at Leghorn in the seventeenth century. He was wealthy and fostered Jewish science. He directed that Solomon Adret's collection of responsa ("Toledot Adam") be printed at his own expense at Leghorn in 1657, but died at an advanced age before the work was completed.
David Bueno de Mesquita:Lived in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century. He was the husband of a granddaughter of Francisco Fernandez de Mora. He was the "resident" of Duke Christian Ernst of Brandenburg-Bayreuth, and in 1684 served as agent-general of the dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg (De Barrios, "Aumento de Israel," p. 172).
David ben Raphael Ḥayyim Bueno:Editor in Venice from 1704 to 1732.
Ephraim Hezekiah Bueno:
Died at Amsterdam Nov. 8, 1665; son of Joseph Bueno. According to the inscription placed beneath a portrait of him painted by Rembrandt about 1647 and engraved by Lyrius, he was "Alter Avenzoar, magnus in medicis, magni discipulus patris" (a second Avenzoar, a distinguished physician and pupil of his celebrated father). In 1650, in conjunction with Jonah Abravanel, he published several liturgical works, among which were a Spanish translation of the Psalms, entitled "Psalterio de David, en Hebrayco Dicho Thehylim, Transladado con Toda Fidelidad Verbo de Verbo del Hebrayco," Amsterdam, 1650, and "Pene Rabbah" (1628), the first work of Manasseh benIsrael, with whom he, as well as his father, was on terms of intimate friendship.
In 1656 Bueno, together with the pious and charitable Abraham Pereira, founded the scientific society "Torah Or" in Amsterdam.
Isaac Bueno:Ḥakam in Jerusalem about 1685. He was the author of dialectal notes on the codes Oraḥ Ḥayyim and Yoreh De'ah, entitled "Shulḥan Melakim" (The Kings' Table; Azulai, "Shem ha-Gedolim," s.v.).
Jacob Bueno:Physician; died at Amsterdam in 1661; probably a son of Abraham Bueno.
Joseph Bueno:Physician; died at Amsterdam Aug. 8, 1641; father of Ephraim Bueno. After having received his degree of doctor of medicine in Bordeaux, he went to Amsterdam some time before 1625. In that year this "new Jewish physician," as the French ambassador D'Espesses states, was summoned to the sick-bed of Prince Maurice of Orange. "The Jewish physician," he continues, "Joseph Bueno, has made the prince of Orange take some powders, and will not allow any one to despair of his life." But Bueno had been deceived in his hopes, for the prince died April 23, 1625.
According to Daniel Levi de Barrios, Bueno was also a poet, and celebrated the "Conciliador" of his friend Manasseh ben Israel in a Spanish sonnet. Sarah, Bueno's wife, died May 15 (not 25), 1654.
Joseph Bueno:Poet; lived in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century. In the martyrology entitled "Elogios que Zelosos Dedicaron," etc., he celebrated the martyr Bernal, who was burned at Cordova May 3, 1655. From the fact that this composition was of the kind known as a "silva," Wolf ("Bibl. Hebr." iii. 385) and Steinschneider ("Hebr. Bibl." iv. 91) have erroneously called him "Bueno Silva."
Joseph Bueno:Went, probably from London, to New York about 1680. In the latter city he became a highly respected merchant, and in 1681 purchased land for a Jewish cemetery ("Publications of the Am. Jew. Hist. Soc." i. 91, ii. 81 et seq., 85 et seq.).
Joseph Bueno de Mesquita:Rabbi in the Orient; mentioned by Samuel Ẓarfati in his "Nimuḳe Shemuel" (Nepi-Ghirondi, "Toledot Gedole Yisrael," p. 168).
Joseph Morenu Bueno:Physician in Amsterdam. He possessed extraordinary talent, and died at the early age of twenty, Sept. 16, 1669.
Samuel Bueno:A contemporary of Solomon Alkabeẓ and, like him, devoted to the study of mysticism; lived in Safed, Palestine, about 1550.
Solomon Bueno:Physician in Amsterdam, where he died 1681.
Solomon ben Jacob Bueno:Editor in Cremona, Italy, in 1576.
- D. H. De Castro, Keur v. Grafsteenen, pp. 77 et seq., 87 et seq.;
- Koenen. Gesch. der Joden in Nederland, pp. 208, 433;
- Kayserling, Bibl. Esp.-Port.-Jud. pp. 31 et seq.