A family deriving its name, perhaps, from Emden, Germany. Carl Adam Emden, privy councilor and high bailiff of Prince Salm-Salm, was ennobled in 1791. It is probable that Eleazar Solomon von Embden (who lived in London about 1817) was a descendant of this family. Henry (Hertz) Heine (1774-1855) married Henriette Embden(1787-1868). See Heine; Schiff. The recent descendants of the family are as follows:

In Paris there lives at present Louis K. Emden, who married Miss Van der Heym. There are also Von, or Van, Embdens to be found in Surinam, heirs of J. G. van Embden (E. and A. J. van Embden, wealthy planters: "Surinaamsche Almanak," 1899, 1900). The following were students at Leyden, Holland:
1609. Philip ab Embden, 25 years, jurisprudence.
Johannes Lævinus ab Embden, 21 years, jurisprudence.
1771. Solomon von Embden, 25 years, medicine. This is undoubtedly the above-mentioned Eleazar Solomon von Embden, who, therefore, must have been born in 1746.
There is also a family of the name of Emden in Frankfort-on-the-Main.
- Horowitz, Inschriften, pp. 704 et seq., Frankfort-on-the-Main;
- Album Studiosorum Acad. Lugd. Bat. pp. 95, 1105, 1218, 1398, 1402: Almanach de Gotha, 1903, p. 434;
- Grätz, Gesch. 1897, p. 357;
- Kneschke, Adels-Lexikon, iii. 102;
- Karpeles, Heinrich Heine, 1899, p. 42;
- Bettelheim, Deutscher Nekrol. 1900, p. 138.