German rabbi; born at Ungarisch-Brod, Moravia, Jan., 1848; died at Johannisbad Aug. 22, 1887. After attending the yeshibah at Presburg, Frankl prepared himself for the rabbinate at the seminary in Breslau, and at the same time studied Orientalia at the university of that city, graduating (Ph.D.) in 1870. In 1875 he became the secretary of the Wiener Israelitische Allianz, and in 1877 succeeded Abraham Geiger in the rabbinate of Berlin. Four years later Frankl added to his rabbinical duties those of teacher in the Lehranstalt für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums. At that time he became the associate of Grätz in the publication of the "Monatsschrift." He wrote: "Ein Mutazilitischer Kalam aus dem X. Jahrhundert," first printed in the "Sitzungsberichte" of the Vienna Academy of Science, 1872; "Studien über die Septuaginta und Peschitta zu Jeremiah," 1872; "Karäische Studien," 1876; a series of articles in "Ha-Shaḥar," 1876-77, under the title "Aḥar Reshef le-Baḳḳer," being a criticism on Pinsker's "Liḳḳuṭe Ḳadmoniyot"; "Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte der Karäer, 1887; "Predigten," 1888. Frankl also published some piyyuṭim of Eleazar ha-Ḳalir, under the title "Piyyuṭe ben Ḳalir," in the "Zunz Jubelschrift" (Hebrew part, pp. 201-207), Berlin, 1884.

  • Abraham Yafeh, in Sokolov's Ha-Asif, iv. 74;
  • F. de Sola Mendes, in American Hebrew, Sept. 9, 1887.
S. M. Sel.
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