Austrian Hebraist; born at Cracow Dec. 19, 1876. Besides numerous contributions to Hebrew and other periodicals, he has published the following works, most of them being written in Hebrew: "Rabbi Joseph Karo" (1895); "Epitaphien von Grabsteinen des Israelitischen Friedhofes zu Krakau, Nebst Biographischen Skizzen" (1897; 2d ed., 1903); "Abraham Braude und Seine Nachkommenschaft" (1897); "Shabbethai Kohen: " (1898); "Nathan Spira of Grodno" (1899); "History of Hebrew Typography in Cracow" (1900); "Contributions to the History of Hebrew Typography in Lublin" (1900); "History of the Family Schorr" (1901); "Die Raszower Rabbinen" (1903).

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