By: Gotthard Deutsch
German rabbi and author; born at Loslau, Silesia, Nov. 10, 1826. He received his early education in Ratibor, and then attended the yeshibot of Hotzenplotz, Presburg, and Nikolsburg, and the University of Breslau. In 1852 he was called as rabbi to Neustadt-bei-Pinne, and in 1859 went to Mecklenburg-Strelitz as "Landesrabbiner," which position he still (1903) occupies. In addition to various articles and sermons, he has published "Geist der Hagada, Sammlung Hagadischer Aussprüche aus den Talmudim und Midraschim,"Leipsic, 1859. This work, published by the Institut zur Förderung der Israelitischen Literatur, was intended as the first of a series, but was never continued. It may be regarded as the forerunner of the Jewish encyclopedia which he began to publish in 1862, under the title "Realencyclopädie des Judenthums," of which three volumes have appeared. The first part contains Biblical articles, and the second Talmudic articles, the third being supplementary. A second edition appeared in Leipsic in 1896. As the work of one man it is a remarkable monument of the author's industry and learning.

- Allg. Zeit. des Jud. 1896, No. 47.