Russian author; born in Moghilef, on the Dniester, at the beginning of the nineteenth century; died there 1870. He received a sound education, and mastered the German, French, and English, besides the Russian, languages. He contributed largely to Hebrew periodicals, and he translated into Hebrew the following works: Mendelssohn's "Morgenstunden," under the title "Mo'ade Shaḥar" (Leipsic, 1845); St. Pierre's "L'Harmonie de la Nature," under the title "Sullam ha-Ṭeba'" (Wilna, 1850); Kant's "Kritik der Reinen Vernunft"; Munk's "Palestine"; and some volumes of Grätz's "Gesch. der Juden." The last three translations, and a volume of poems entitled "Alummat Yosef," he left in manuscript.

- Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, p. 465.