German physician; born at Bayreuth Feb. 2, 1816; died at Erlangen Sept. 27, 1871; educated at the gymnasium of Bayreuth and the University of Erlangen (M.D. 1839). Establishing himself as physician in Erlangen, he became in 1841 assistant at the surgical clinic of the university. Notwithstanding the fact that he was unable to become a privatdocent in the university on account of his faith, he delivered free lectures there. In 1847 he was appointed prosector. The following year he spent in Vienna, taking a postgraduate course. Under a liberal government in 1862 he became privatdocent with the title of professor, and in 1863 assistant professor. During the Austro-Prussian war (1866) he was very active as surgeon, and in the same year he received the freedom of the city of Erlangen for his services. In 1869 he was elected professor. During the Franco-Prussian war (1870-71) he again acted as surgeon.
Herz was very successful both as teacher and as practising physician.
Among his works may be mentioned: "De Enchondromate," Erlangen, 1843, a résumé of his operations on clubfeet; "Versuch mit Schwefeläther," in the Augsburg "Allgemeine Zeitung," 1847, Supplement, No. 37; "Anatomische Beobachtungen und Physiologische Versuche an den Leichen von Zwei Hingerichteten" (together with Gerlach and Dittrich), in "Prager Vierteljahresschrift," xxxi. 65 et seq.

The city of Erlangen erected a monument to him in 1875.
- Doctor Jacob Herz, Erlangen, 1871;
- A. von Brinz, Festrede, Erlangen, 1892;
- Hirsch, Biog. Lex.