Russian zoologist; born 1854; died 1894; graduated in natural sciences and mathematics from the St. Petersburg University; appointed in 1880 custodian of the zoological museum of the Imperial Academy of Science. He was commissioned in 1880, 1884, and 1887 to proceed to the Murman coast of the Kola peninsula to study the mollusks and fishes there; and his "Materialy k Faunye Murmanskavo Berega i Byelavo Morya," published in the "Trudy" of the St. Petersburg Obshchestvo Yestestvoispitatelei, 1885, has become a standard work. Together with N. L. Varpakhovski, he wrote "Zamyetki po Ikhtologii Basseina Ryeki Amura," ib. 1887, and "Nauchnye Rezultaty Puteshestvi Przevalskavo," ib. 1888-91; "Ryby," St. Petersburg, 1888-91; "Ichthyologische Bemerkungen," in "Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences de St. Petersburg," xiii., book 1, 2, 1890-92.

  • Entziklopedicheski Slovar, vol. viii., St. Petersburg, 1893.
H. R. M. R.
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