English actor; born in London 1836; died there Aug. 13, 1885. At an early age he left England for Australia, where he adopted the stage as a profession. After playing at Auckland, New Zealand, and at San Francisco (1856-1862) he returned to England about 1870, and appeared at the Gaiety Theatre, London, later at the Princess', of which he became stage-manager. He held the same post at the Drury Lane Theatre, where he impersonated chiefly Jewish characters, or rather caricatures, in modern melodramas. His portrayal of Napoleon I., whom he much resembled, attracted some notice.

- Jew. Chron. and Jew. World, Aug. 21, 1885;
- Era, Aug. 15 and 22, 1885;
- Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, Aug. 22, 1885.