Turkish Talmudist of the seventeenth century; died between 1696 and 1698. In 1650 he is mentioned as a distinguished dayyan ("Pene Mosheh," ii., § 77). He seems to have been a pupil of Joseph Trani (Responsa, No. 1), and his halakic discussions with Abraham Rosanes evidence the acuteness of his mind (Azulai, "Shem ha-Gedolim," s. v. "Rosanes"). He was known for the liberality of his decisions; he endeavored, for example, to secure permission for the remarriage of an 'agunah, and permitted the drinking of wine that had been prepared by a convert to Islam. Kasabi was arbitrator in matters of taxation at Salonica and Soria (Responsa, Nos. 18-19). In 1680 he was chief rabbi at Constantinople, succeeding Moses Benveniste. His responsa and sermons, annotated by Jacob Alfandari, were published by his grandson Moses Kaṣabi ("Rab Yosef," Constantinople, 1736). A responsum of his is printed in the "Pene Mosheh" of Moses Shilton (ib. 1712).
- Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 1496;
- J. Q. R. xi. 607;
- Fürst, Bibl. Jud. ii. 181.