Austrian Orientalist; born July 6, 1846, at Buczacz, Galicia. He studied in Vienna, Leipsic, Strasburg, and Berlin, and became professor of Oriental languages in Vienna University in 1885. He is also professor of Hebrew and religious philosophy at the Vienna Israelitisch-Theologische Lehranstalt.

Müller has published the following works: "Kitab al-Farḳ von Al-Assma'i" (Vienna, 1876); "Südarabische Studien" (ib. 1877); "Die Burgen und Schlösser Südarabiens" (2 parts, ib. 1879-81); (with Mordtmann) "Sabäische Denkmäler" (ib. 1883); "Siegfried Langer's Reiseberichte aus Syrien und Arabien und die von Ihm Gesammelten Inschriften" (Leipsic, 1883); "Zur Vergleichenden Semitischen Sprachforschung" (Leyden, 1884); "Die Keilinschrift von Aschrut-Darga" (Vienna, 1886-1887); "Zur Gesch. der Semitischen Zischlaute" (ib. 1888); "Epigraphische Denkmäler aus Arabien" (ib. 1889); "Die Rezensionen und Versionen des Eldad ha-Dani" (ib. 1892); "Die Altsemitischen Inschriften von Sendschirli" (ib. 1892); "Epigraphische Denkmäler aus Abbessinien" (1894); "Ezechiel-Studien" (1895); "Die Propheten in Ihrer Ursprünglichen Form" (1896), an arrangement of the text of the Prophets by which he intended to show the original meter, "Die Haggada von Serajevo" (1898), an important account of the illustrations of the Haggadah (both with Schlosser); "Südarabische Alterthümer" (1898); "Palmyrenische Inschriften" (1898); "Strophenbau und Responsion" (1898); "Die Gesetze Hammurabi's und Ihre Verhältnis zur Mosaische Gesetzgebung" (Vienna, 1903). He also edited Hamadani's "Geographie der Arabischen Halbinsel" (2 vols., Leyden, 1884-91) and parts of Ṭabari's "Annals" (ib. 1888-89). An account of his voyage to Constantinople and the Orient appeared in 1878 in Vienna. In 1897-98 he went to South Arabia and Socotra as head of an archeological expedition sent by the Kaiserliche Akademie der Wessenschaften of Vienna; he published the results of some of his linguistic researches as vols. 4 and 6 of "Die Südarabische Expedition."

Müller is one of the editors of the "Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes," one of the directors of the Orientalisches Institut, and member of the Vienna Academy of Science.

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