One of the rulers of the kingdom of Israel during the interregnum between Zimri and Omri; son of Ginath. When Zimri, after a reign of seven days, had ended his life, the people of Israel were divided into two factions, one siding with Omri, and the other with Tibni. Omri's followers gained the upper hand; and, finally, Tibni having died, Omri was declared king (I Kings xvi. 21-22). From a comparison of verses 15 and 23 of the chapter just cited, it appears that Tibni was regent over half the kingdom of Israel for a period of four years. According to the Septuagint (ad loc.), Tibni had a brother named Joram, who seconded him in the dispute over the throne and who died at the same time as himself, probably at the hands of Omri's party.