Austrian philanthropist; elder brother of George and grandfather of Bruno Zappert; born at Prague in 1795; died there in 1865. He was a grandson of Wolf Zappert, who was the founder of the family, and who was twice court jeweler, the second time to Emperor Joseph II. (1765-90). Wolf, who was distinguished for both uprightness and business ability, made two fortunes, the first of which he expended to secure the revocation of an order expelling the Jews from Trebitsch; and when his coreligionists were driven out of Prague he alone was allowed to remain. In his will he founded twenty-two charitable institutions endowed with considerable funds, which were administered by his son and, after him, by his grandson, the subject of this article. I. L. Zappert was also a director of many Jewish benevolent institutions in Prague, and himself founded several more, among them one for providing poor girls with dowries and trousseaux, and another for the care of the sick.

  • Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon, vol. 59.
S. N. D.
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