ARISTOBULUS I. (called Judah in Hebrew):
King of Judea, eldest son of John Hyrcanus; born about 140
Aristobulus was not content with the mere title of king, but endeavored, in the brief period of his reign, to prove himself worthy of his position. He made war on Iturea, subjugated a large portion of the people, strove to convert them to Judaism, and forced circumcision upon them. This fact, which Josephus derives from Timogenes, a heathen writer, admits of no doubt, although it is not known exactly what territory of the Itureans was conquered for Judea by Aristobulus.
Palace Intrigues.Successful as was his public career, Aristobulus was extremely unfortunate in his family relations. Being of feeble health, he gradually came under the complete control of a clique, at the head of which stood Alexandra Salome, the queen. Through its machinations, he was led to suspect his favorite brother, Antigonus—whom he had entrusted with a share in the government, and whom he treated almost as a coregent—of designs against him, and was finally induced to order his execution, though unwittingly, it is claimed. After this deed Aristobulus is said to have been seized with such bitter remorse at having caused the death of his mother and brother, that he broke down completely and died of grief, 104

- Josephus, Ant. xiii. 11;
- Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, Eng. ed., v. 353, 385, 386;
- Grätz, Gesch. der Juden, 2d ed., ii. 102-105;
- Hitzig, Gesch. des Volkes Israel, ii. 473-475;
- Schürer, Gesch. i. 216-219;
- Wellhausen, I. J. G. pp. 275, 276.
- For chronology, compare Niese, in Hermes, 1893, pp. 216 et seq.;
- and for coins, Madden, Coins of the Jews, pp. 81-83.