Austrian authoress and educator; born at Neu-Rausnitz, Moravia, May 15, 1841. Educated at her native place and at Vienna, she settled in the latter city, where she founded a high school for girls. In 1882 she made a professional tour in Germany as a reciter. She published the following novels: "Aus Eigener Kraft," 1880; "Soldaten Fritz," 1881; "Gefesselt," 1882; "Liebesopfer," 1884; "Aberglauben," 1890; "Stiefmütterchen," 1892; "Alle Drei," 1893. She wrote also: "Aus Oesterreichs Herzen," patriotic songs, 1882; "Franz Josef I.," a biography of the Austrian emperor, 1889; "Ein Abend Unter Freimaurern," a sketch, 1893.

  • Eisenberg, Das Geistige Wien, i. 17.
S. M. B.
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