Hungarian author and journalist; born March 15, 1857; studied at the high school in Keeskemét, and graduated from the University of Budapest. Hevesi is one of Hungary's most noted novelists. Among his works are the following: "Ibolyák," Budapest, 1879; "A Malom Alatt," 1879; "Névjegyek Janka Asztalára," 1880; "Vig Elbeszélések," 1883; "A Feltámadt Halott," 1886; "Hamis Gyémántok," 1886 (translated into German by Adolf Kohut under the title "Falsche Diamanten," Zurich, 1890); "Apró Tërténetek," 1887; "Nászuton," 1892; "Az ár Ellen," 1892; "A Gordiusi Csomó," 1895. Besides numerous novelettes in magazines, he has written for almost every number of the following periodicals edited by himself: "Vasárnapi Lapok," 1880-81; "Ellenör," 1883; "Magyar Szalon," 1884-91; "Szépirodalmi Könyvtár," 1890-93 (12 vols.).

Since 1892 Hevesi has been editor also of the weekly "Magyar Geniusz," and since 1894 also of the monthly review "Otthon."

  • Horváth, Könyvészet, 1887-90;
  • Magyar Szalon, viii., xvii.;
  • Szinnyei, Magyar Irók Elete.
S. L. V.
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