Russian authoress; born in White Russia in 1863; educated at the Women's gymnasium, Moscow; studied medicine at St. Petersburg and history and literature at Paris. Her novels and sketches first appeared in the "Vyestnik Yevropy," "Russkaga Mysl," "Nedyelya," and "Voskhod," and were later issued in book form under the titles "Siluety" (Moscow, 1894) and "Pod Goru" (ib. 1900).
Her novels deal mostly with the life of the middle-class Russian landlords and the wealthier Jewish merchants. She vigorously criticizes the tactless manners of the Jewish upstarts, and pictures the unenviable position of the intelligent Jew who has to choose between the love of Russian culture, in which he has been educated, and the love of his downtrodden coreligionists, who are deprived of their rights.
- Entziklopedicheski Slovar, xxxvii., St. Petersburg, 1903.