DEUTSCH, JOEL Hebraist and teacher of deaf-mutes; born in Nikolsburg, Moravia, March 20, 1813; died in Vienna May 1, 1899. Deutsch is remembered as a close student of rabbinical literature, and was an energetic collector of Hebrew books. He
DEUTSCH, MORDECAI BEN ENOCH JUDAH Rabbi of Kolin, Bohemia, and its subordinate communities; he flourished at the beginning of the eighteenth century. He was the author of a work called "Mor Deror" (Flowing Myrrh), novellæ on the following Talmudic treatises:
DEUTSCH, SIMON Austrian Hebraist and revolutionist; died at Constantinople March 24, 1877. As a young man he devoted himself to Hebrew studies in Vienna, and catalogued in collaboration with A. Kraft the Hebrew manuscripts in the possession of
DEUTSCH-ISRAELITISCHER GEMEINDEBUND See Gemeindebund, Deutsch-Israelitischer.
DEUTZ, ELIJAH BEN ISAAC Rabbinical author; lived at Hamburg in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of "Pi Eliyahu" (Mouth of Elijah; Altona, 1735), a commentary on "Pereḳ Shirah."Bibliography: Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col.
DEUTZ, EMMANUEL (Menahem) Chief rabbi of the Central Consistory of the Jews of France; born at Coblenz, in Rhenish Prussia, 1763; died Jan. 31, 1842. After studying for some years at the yeshibah at Mayence, he was appointed rabbi in his native town. He
DEVENISHKI Village in the government of Wilna, Russia. The census of 1898 shows a population of 1,877, of whom 1,283 are Jews. Of the latter 277 are artisans. About 66 Jewish women and girls earn a livelihood by knitting stockings, which
DEVIL See Demonology and Satan.
DEVOTION The state of religious consecration. It is the most essential element in worship; so that a divine service without it is "like to a body without a soul." To such as pray to God without the spirit of fervent devotion, the stern