HOSHAIAH RABBAH, ROBA, BERABBI Palestinian amora of the first amoraic generation (about 200 C.E.); compiler of baraitot explaining the Mishnah-Tosefta. He was closely associated with the successors of Rabbi, as was his father with Rabbi himself. Hoshaiah's
HOSHAIAH ZE'ERA DE-MIN ḤABRAYA Palestinian amora of the third amoraic period (died about 350 C.E.). In the Tosafot it is claimed that "Ḥabraya" was the name of his birth-place, but according to Rashi the word means a "society of colleagues," and the surname
HOSHA'NA RABBAH The popular name for the seventh day of the Feast of Booths (Sukkot); the day on which the exclamation "Hosha'na!" (save now!) is often repeated, while on the other days of the feast it is used but sparingly. While the name