International society for the publication of old Hebrew books and manuscripts. It was established first at Lyck, Germany, in 1864, under the direction of Rabbi Nathan Adler, Sir Moses Montefiore, and Joseph Zedner (London), Albert Cohn (Paris), S. D. Luzzatto (Padua), M. Sachs (Berlin), Eliezer Lipman Silberman (Lyck), and M. Straschun (Wilna). It was reestablished at Berlin in 1885 under the supervision of Abraham Berliner (Berlin), Moses Ehrenreich (Rome), J. Derenbourg and David Ginsburg (Paris), S. J. Halberstam (Bielitz), A. Harkavy (St. Petersburg), M. Jastrow (Philadelphia), David Kaufmann (Budapest), and M. Straschun (Wilna).
The society has published the following works:
1864. | 'Eṭ Sofer, by David Ḳimḥi. |
1864-88. | Paḥad Yiẓḥaḳ, by R. Isaac Lampronti, letters ![]() |
1864-98. | Teshubot ha-Ge'onim: one hundred and twenty responsa of the Geonim. Lyck. |
1864-1902. | Diwan le-R. Yehudah ha-Levi. Lyck-Berlin. |
1866. | Melammed ha-Talmidim, by Jacob Anatoli. |
1866. | Eben Sappir, by Jacob Safir. |
1868. | Pesiḳta ha-Yeshanah, attributed to Rab Kahana. |
1868-71. | Imre Shefer, by N. H. Wessely. |
1871. | Wikkuaḳ 'al ha-Ahabah, by Judah Abravanel. |
1871. | Sefer Toledot Rabbenu Yiẓḥaḳ Lampronṭi. |
1871. | Sefer ha-Musar, by Ephraim of Modena. |
1874. | Tagmule ha-Nefesh, by Hillel b. Samuel of Verona. |
1874. | Sefer ha-'Ibbur, by Abraham ibn Ezra. |
1874. | Perush 'al Shir ha-Shirim, by Moses ibn Tibbon. |
1874. | Yiḥuse Tanna'im we-Amora'im, by a contemporary of Rashi. |
1881. | Ha-Sarid weha-Paliṭ, by Saadia Gaon. |
1881-83. | Sefer Ḥasidim. |
1882. | Meteḳ Sefatayim, by R. Immanuel Frances. |
1885. | Perush 'al Sefer Yeẓirah, by Isaac Barcelona. |
1885-87. | Teshubot ha-Ge'onim. |
1885-1904. | Ḳobeẓ 'al Yad, a series of collected smaller works; collections of old documents. |
1886. | Tarshish, diwan of R. Moses b. Ezra. |
1886-92. | Maimonides, commentary on Seder Ṭohorot. |
1887. | Sefer ha-Galuy, by R. Joseph Ḳimḥi. |
1887-92. | Halakot Gedolot. |
1888. | Sefer Zikkaron, by Joseph Ḳimḥi. |
1889. | Ma'yan Gannim, commentary on Job, by Samuel b. Nissim Masnuth. |
1889-93. | Maḥzor Vitry, by R. Simḥah, pupil of Rashi. |
1890. | Yehudah Ya'aleh, by Judah Cologna and Isaac Hirschenson. |
1891-92. | Teshubot MaHaRaM, responsa of R. Meïr of Rothenburg. |
1893-96. | Sefer ha-Shorashim, by R. Jonah ibn Janaḥ. |
1894. | Midrash Zuṭa, on the five Megillot. |
1895. | Megillat Sedarim, by Abraham Brody. |
1895. | Seder ha-Ḥakamim. |
1898. | Minḥat Ḳena'ot, by R. Jehiel of Pisa. |
1898. | She'elot u-Teshubot she be-Sefer ha-Yashar le-Rabbenu Tam. |
1899. | Midrash ha-Torah, commentary on the Pentateuch, by Solomon Astruc of Barcelona. |
1899. | Kebod Ḥakamim, by David Messer Leon of Mantua. |
1899-1901. | Orḥot Ḥayyim, by Aaron ha-Kohen of Lunel. |
1900. | Tashlum Abudarham, Jose b. Jose's "Abodah" and other ritual poems, with notes by Abudarham. |
1900-01. | Midrash Sekel: Ṭob, by Menahem b. Solomon. |
1902. | Sefer ha-'Ittim, by Judah b. Barzilai of Barcelona. |
- H. D. Lippe, Bibliographisches Lexicon, i. 451 et seq., Vienna, 1881; new series, i. 391, Vienna, 1899;
- Verzeichniss der Schriften des Verein Mekize Nirdamim, 1885-95, 1896, 1898.