German Orientalist; born in Seligenstadt, Hesse, July 15, 1817; died in Munich Dec. 11, 1898. Grünbaum studied philology and philosophy at Giessen and Bonn. In 1858 he became superintendent of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum in New York city. He returned to Europe in 1870, and spent the remainder of his days in Munich. After 1862 nearly all his papers on Oriental philology and folk-lore appeared in the "Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft"; and after his death they were reedited by Felix Perles under the title "Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Sprach- und Sagenkunde," Berlin, 1901. The following are among his larger works: "Jüdisch-Deutsche Chrestomathie," 1882; "Mischsprachen und Sprachmischungen," 1885; "Neue Beiträge zur Semitischen Sagenkunde," 1893; "Die Jüdisch-Deutsche Litteratur in Deutschland, Polen, und Amerika," 1894; "Jüdisch-Spanische Chrestomathic," Frankfort, 1896. He had nearly completed the recataloguing of the works in the Hebrew department of the Munich State Library when he died.

  • Bettelheim, Biographisches Jahrbuch, 1899, pp. 235-236;
  • Allgemeine Zeitung, Munich, 1898, Beilage No. 285, pp. 5-6;
  • Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, 1898, No. 591, p. 4;
  • Perles, in Gesammelte Aufsätze, Preface.
S. N. D.
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