Frozen rain falling in pellets of various sizes and shapes. The Hebrew words for "hail" are: , the most usual term:
(Ezek. xiii. 11, 13; xxxviii. 22); and
(Ps. lxxviii. 47), the meaning of which is only conjectural. Hailstones were regarded as proofs of God's might (Ecclus. [Sirach] xliii. 15); they are spoken of as being kept in God'sstorehouses or treasuries (Job xxxviii. 22). The best known hail-storm in the Bible is the seventh plague which God inflicted on the Egyptians immediately before the Exodus (Ex. ix. 13-35; Ps. l.c.). On another occasion hail served as God's destroying agent; and it is said that those who died from hailstones were more than those who died by the sword of Israel (Josh. x. 11). For this reason hail is often mentioned as a punishment (Isa. xxviii. 17; Ezek. xiii. 11, 13). Once hail occurs in a description of the appearance of God (Ps. xviii. 13). Hail is very often coupled with fire (Ex. ix. 23, 24; Ps. xviii. 13 [A. V. 12]), and it is also mentioned in connection with thunder (Ex. ix. 23, 28; Ps. xviii. 14).