By: Meyer Kayserling
A physician, philosopher, and mathematician of Salonica, who lived about 1540. He was the teacher of Daniel ben Peraḥyah, whom he assisted in the translation from the Spanish into Hebrew of Abraham Zacuto's "Almanac." He was also helpful to the preacher Moses Almosnino in his Hebrew translation of Juan Sacrobosco's "El Tratado de la Esphera" (Treatise on the Sphere). He wrote "Opiniones Sacadas de los mas Auténticos y Antiguos Philósophos que Sobre la Alma Escrivieron, y sus Definiciones" (Selected Opinions of the most Authentic and Ancient Philosophers on the Soul, and their Definitions), Venice, 1568.
- Steinschneider, Hebr. Uebers. p. 645;
- Kayserling, Bibl. Esp.-Port. Jud. pp. 8 et seq.