AIN – 1. A city given to the Levites in the tribes of Judah and Simeon (Josh. xv. 32, xix. 7, xxi. 16; Neh. xi. 29). The Septuagint reading connects Ain and Rimmon and gives them as one; although the context of I Chron. iv. 32 is in...
AIN KADES – A well near the Arabah, first seen by Rowlands in 1842. He identified it with the Kadesh Barnea of the Bible. It was not seen again by Europeans till 1881, when it was visited by Trumbull, who has shown conclusively that Ain...
AIN MUSA – A small oasis, about seven or eight miles southwest of Suez, Egypt. It is about 250 acres in extent, with luxuriant gardens and groups of palms and tamarisks. The water of some of its springs is undrinkable, while that of others...