- 1. A place in the territory of Asher, mentioned in Josh. xix. 28, between Rehob and Kanah. It is believed that the ruins now called "Ummel-'Amud" (or "'Awamid") occupy its site.
- 2. A city allotted to the Levites out of the tribe of Naphtali, and assigned with its suburbs to the descendants of Gershom (I Chron. vi. 61 [A. V. 76]). B. P.
- 3 . Name of a deity (
) mentioned in two Phenician inscriptions dedicated to "El-Ḥammon" and discovered by Ernest Renan in the ruins of Hammon, the modern Umm al-'Awamid, between Tyre and Acre. One of these inscriptions is dated 221 B.C., under the government of Ptolemy III. The Biblical place-names were possibly connected with the name of this deity.
- For No. 3, C. I. S. i. (text) 33;
- G. Hoffmann, Ueber Einige Phön. Inschriften, in Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, xxxvi. 21;
- Baethgen, Beiträge zur Semitischen Religions-Gesch. p. 27.